30 Seconds Summary
When To Trust Research Findings

  • Most published research findings are false with landmark studies often failing to replicate.
  • Publication bias is a significant issue, pushing journals to prefer studies with significant results.
  • P-hacking involves manipulating data analysis to produce significant results where none exist.
  • General sloppiness in data collection and study design can result in incorrect findings.
  • Data peeking before a study's endpoint can inflate positive results.
  • HARKing involves creating hypotheses after data analysis is complete, often misleading research direction.
  • Low statistical power in a study increases the risk of false positive and negative findings.
  • Financial incentives and funding sources can affect study results, introducing biases in design and interpretation.
  • Better to rely on studies with small p-values, large effect sizes, and those that align with existing research.
  • Pre-registration of a study's methods reduces the risk of questionable research practices.
  • Expert opinions and independent predictions can help assess the replication potential of research findings.

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