30 Seconds Summary
Steroids and Coaching Ethics

  • The article highlights unethical practices among coaches in the fitness industry who irresponsibly use and promote anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) like testosterone, oxandrolone, and trenbolone.
  • Steroids are synthetic variants of testosterone, which do not completely mimic natural hormones and have different effects such as muscle growth and enhancing male characteristics.
  • Testosterone interacts with aromatize enzyme converting to estrogen, potentially causing side effects like gynecomastia, as depicted in the movie Fight Club.
  • Responsible medical use of anabolic steroids exists, such as hormone replacement therapy and treatment for patients with specific medical conditions. Illegally selling them at gyms or for non-medical uses disregards potential health implications.
  • Many coaches fail to consider their client's health and safety by not even conducting necessary blood work before recommending steroid use for achieving fitness goals.
  • The author advocates for informed decision-making regarding steroid use and stresses the importance of health and ethical coaching, warning against coaches who prescribe drugs without medical oversight.

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