30 Seconds Summary
3-Minute High Protein Cheescake

  • This quick recipe creates a high-protein cheesecake in just 3 minutes of microwave time, not including the cooling period.
  • Ingredients include 100g light cream cheese, 2 medium eggs, sweetener, cinnamon, and butter/oil for greasing.
  • The finished cheesecake offers approximately 21 grams of protein, 23 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbs, and 298 kcal per serving.
  • Steps include softening the cream cheese in the microwave, mixing in eggs, sweetener, and cinnamon, then microwaving the mixture in a greased bowl for about 90 to 150 seconds.
  • After microwaving, allow the cheesecake to cool in the fridge for 30-45 minutes before topping with your favorite low-calorie fruit spread or syrup.

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