30 Seconds SummaryAsk Mike & Menno
- Mike Israetel and Menno Henselmans answer popular fitness questions missed from prior live Q&A sessions.
- Topics covered include their personal stats like height, weight, and body fat percentage, as well as their one-rep maxes.
- They discuss their favorite and least favorite lifts and compare high bar vs. low bar squats and conventional vs. sumo deadlifts.
- Advice on calf muscle growth and their diet preferences, including foods they could eat every day.
- Personal insights shared include indispensable items, favorite books or movies, and life-defining quotes.
- Menno and Mike express opinions on various subjects, from the most impressive Olympic sports to exercises they find effective but dislike.
- Discussion of specific nutrition and training strategies such as the use of boron and zinc for low testosterone, pre-fatigue for muscle growth, and the correlation between strength gains and muscle growth.
- Exploration of using heart rate variability (HRV) for training, optimizing rest between sets, and the effectiveness of fasting on rest days to boost fat loss.
Menno Henselmans