30 Seconds SummaryBro splits optimal after all?
- The study compared the effects of high-frequency full-body workouts versus low-frequency 'bro splits' on muscle strength and growth in intermediate trainees.
- Participants were divided into two groups: one performing exercises for all major muscles daily, and the other training each muscle once per week.
- After 8 weeks, both groups showed similar gains in muscle mass and strength, despite different training frequencies.
- The full-body group occasionally showed slightly better performance in absolute terms across various muscle measurements.
- The bro split group experienced higher levels of muscle soreness, suggesting more muscle damage but not necessarily more growth.
- This challenges the notion that more frequent muscle-specific training sessions lead to greater gains, especially in intermediate trainees.
- The study highlights volume as the main driver of muscle growth, rather than frequency, assuming sufficient weekly volume is maintained.
Menno Henselmans