30 Seconds Summary
A stats exercise with The Norwegian Frequency Project

  • An interview discussing training frequency and bro splits highlighted the Norwegian Frequency Project, leading to significant debate within the fitness community.
  • Critics like Lyle McDonald suggested that the project's findings were skewed by a few extreme positive outliers, claiming that removing these would negate any significant results.
  • A thorough statistical analysis was conducted to identify if there were actual outliers by checking the data's distribution and measuring each data point's distance from the expected distribution using specific statistical tests and criteria.
  • The analysis confirmed that the data followed a normal distribution and none of the data points met the criteria for being considered an outlier.
  • Even when considering conservative approaches and running additional analyses with potential outliers removed, the 6-day training group consistently showed greater gains in strength and muscle size compared to the 3-day group.
  • The research from the Norwegian Frequency Project was validated and the high frequency training regime was shown to be effective even when tested under stringent statistical scrutiny.

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