30 Seconds SummaryInter-set stretching for extra muscle growth?
- Evangelista et al. (2019) studied the effect of inter-set stretching on muscle growth, comparing it against conventional strength training in untrained men.
- Participants in the stretching group performed a 30-second static stretch between sets, aiming to maximize muscle hypertrophy.
- After 8 weeks, both groups showed similar strength gains, but the inter-set stretching group experienced slightly more muscle growth, particularly in the vastus lateralis and total muscle thickness.
- Despite these findings, the study's author remains skeptical about the practical benefits of inter-set stretching, noting potential negative effects on muscle performance and force production.
- The study equated repetitions between groups, possibly masking the true impact of reduced strength due to stretching on overall training intensity and muscle growth.
- Previous research suggests that the intensity and duration of stretching used in the study might be insufficient to directly stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
- The effectiveness of such stretching may not extend to trained individuals, as they experience different physiological adaptations and mechanisms of muscle growth.
Menno Henselmans