30 Seconds Summary
Does inter-set stretching increase hypertrophy?

  • Research on inter-set stretching's effect on muscle growth has produced inconsistent results, with studies varying in muscle groups examined, participant training levels, and stretching methods.
  • A recent study with 21 untrained males showed slightly more muscle growth and strength gains in calves with inter-set stretching, but differences were not statistically significant.
  • Prior studies had mixed outcomes, with one showing a significant impact of inter-set stretching on muscle growth in just one out of four muscles tested.
  • Overall evidence is weak but slightly favors inter-set stretching for muscle growth, especially in untrained individuals.
  • Critics argue that there may be more effective ways to utilize time between sets, particularly for trained individuals.
  • Continued research is necessary to clarify the efficacy of inter-set stretching in enhancing muscle hypertrophy.

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