30 Seconds SummaryStudy: Does becoming stronger help make us bigger?
- A new study by Carvalho et al. (2020) explores the impact of periodization on muscle growth, showing intriguing results.
- 26 men participated, split into two training programs: hypertrophy (HT) and strength-hypertrophy (STHT).
- Both groups trained twice a week and performed squats and leg presses, but differed in sets, reps, and rest periods.
- After 8 weeks, the STHT group demonstrated superior strength and muscle growth compared to the HT group.
- The study suggests that starting with a strength-focused program leads to increased muscle gains when followed by a hypertrophy phase.
- Possible mechanisms include the increase in muscle fiber tension and activation as key drivers for muscle growth.
- Findings challenge the conventional wisdom on block periodization and suggest continuous phases might be more effective for gains.
Menno Henselmans