30 Seconds Summary
3 Month Transformation Challenge Winners

  • David and Kristin Hansen from Cherry Hill, NJ won the 2016 RP 3-month Transformation Contest by losing a combined 28.5 lbs using auto diet fat loss templates.
  • David lost 20 lbs, going from 189 lbs to 169 lbs, and reduced his body fat from an unknown percentage to 16.4%.
  • Kristin lost 8.5 lbs, dropping from 174.4 lbs to 165.9 lbs, and lowered her body fat from an unknown percentage to 23.9%.
  • Both Kristin and David are avid CrossFit enthusiasts, participating 4-6 times per week and chose to follow 'light days' workouts during their transformation.
  • Favorite RP friendly meals included Kristin's chicken cheesesteak wraps and Dave's chocolate casein pudding with cooked bananas.
  • Post-diet, both have enjoyed cheat meals, with Dave opting for a cheesesteak and beer, and Kristin choosing mussels marinara.
  • Future plans include maintenance and further cuts, with Dave focusing on strength and Kristin considering another diet cut and women's physique templates.
  • Advice from the winners includes preparing simple RP-friendly meals, not obsessing over scale weight, and the importance of meal completion.
  • The couple highlighted the importance of mutual support and shared meals in their success, noting how the experience brought them closer.

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