30 Seconds Summary
Everything You Need to Know About Maintenance

  • Maintenance after a diet should focus on balanced eating and enjoying life without strict diet constraints.
  • Aim for a diet where 80-85% of your intake comes from healthy sources, allowing 15-20% for indulgent foods.
  • Transitioning from dieting to maintenance involves gradual calorie increases to prevent rapid weight gain.
  • Avoid both 'too much too soon' and maintaining overly low calories to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Incorporate longer maintenance periods between diets to stabilize metabolism and prevent chronic dieting patterns.
  • Gradually reintroduce foods and monitor weight to manage slight increases without reverting to fat loss dieting.
  • Maintenance duration should ideally match or exceed the length of the previous diet to fully restore metabolic health.
  • Maintenance should ideally be planned around a lifestyle that includes social engagements and periods of indulgence without guilt.
  • Understanding that some weight gain during maintenance is normal and mainly due to water and food volume can help manage expectations.

Renaissance Periodization

Dr. Melissa Davis, Sport Nutrition & Female Health Coach

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