30 Seconds Summary
Everything you didn’t know about caffeine for kids

  • Acutely, doses up to 5mg/kg of caffeine are considered safe for children, which is roughly equivalent to two Monster energy drinks for a 100-pound child.
  • Chronically, the impact of caffeine's transient increase in blood pressure is debated, similar effects from aerobic exercise are seen beneficial for lowering blood pressure long-term.
  • In children, caffeine decreases heart rate due to the sensitivity of baroreceptors which respond to increases in blood pressure.
  • While caffeine doesn't enhance aerobic performance in children, it can improve anaerobic performance, particularly noted in strength tests and short bursts activities.
  • Caffeine is not actually a diuretic; increased urination post-consumption is due to increased liquid intake, not caffeine's effect on the body.
  • Caffeine does not inherently make children hyperactive; such behaviors may be influenced more by sugars in caffeinated beverages.
  • The belief that caffeine stunts growth remains speculative without concrete research to support the claim.
  • According to Dr. Turley, moderate caffeine consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle for both adults and children, advising against both total abstinence and excessive use.

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