30 Seconds SummaryHow to Train: Prime for Muscle Growth
- Primer Phases are an effective addition to a periodised training plan, helping set up for future progress in muscle gain or fat loss.
- During a Primer Phase, training focuses on muscle retention, alleviating hypertrophy fatigue, and increasing muscle strength using high intensity but low volume workouts.
- Research shows that maintaining muscle size is feasible with just 1/3 the training volume that initially produced results, albeit older adults may lose some muscular size.
- The training protocol involves exercises like squats and lunges performed 1 to 3 times per week, emphasizing progressive overload and strength development.
- In the Primer Phase, adjust workouts by focusing on compound movements within a 3 to 6 rep range and isolation exercises in a 5 to 8 rep range, using 75-90% of a 1 rep max.
- The training frequency per muscle group can vary from 2 to 4 times per week, with overall volume about 60% of typical hypertrophy work.
- Primer Phases are particularly beneficial during dieting phases to prevent muscle loss and during massing phases to avoid fat and muscle gain stagnation.
- The concept also supports recovery strategies during contest preparations or between intense training cycles.
Revive Stronger
Steve Hall