30 Seconds Summary
Modest Glycogen Depletion May Impact Lifting Performance More Than You Think

  • A recent study investigated how high-volume resistance training affects glycogen depletion in different muscle fibers and storage depots among elite lifters.
  • Type 2 muscle fibers experienced significant depletion, especially in intramyofibrillar stores, which dropped by 54%, affecting muscle function and fatigue.
  • Localized glycogen depletion can impair performance even with only modest reductions in overall muscle glycogen, emphasizing the need for proper carbohydrate intake for athletes.
  • Current low-carbohydrate diet trends may underestimate the necessity of carbs for lifting performance, as traditional resistance training fails to fully deplete glycogen stores.
  • These new findings challenge previous beliefs and suggest more attention be given to carb intake and glycogen replenishment to enhance training and recovery.

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