30 Seconds Summary
Is your split jerk limited by upper body or lower body strength?

  • Recent research analyzed the connection between strict overhead press, squat strength, and split jerk 1RM in competitive weightlifters to determine predictors of split jerk performance.
  • A study including 33 weightlifters found strong correlations (r > 0.9) between individual strength in overhead press, squats, and their combined influence on predicting split jerk strength.
  • A supplementary tool has been developed, available via an online spreadsheet, where athletes can input their 1RM for squats, overhead press, and split jerk to understand their performance and identify limiting factors.
  • The spreadsheet calculates expected split jerk performance based on individual or combined strength data and helps identify whether the limiting factors are related to upper body (overhead press), lower body (squat), or other factors like speed, skill, and technique.
  • The tool provides a confidence rating on its predictions, helping athletes gauge how substantial the gap is between their predicted and actual split jerk performance.
  • This diagnostic tool, though insightful, isn't guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but it can effectively guide weightlifters to identify and focus on potential weakness areas in their training.

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