30 Seconds SummaryThe New Approach to Training Volume
- Muscle growth occurs across a variety of rep ranges, and when training protocols are matched for sets, different volumes often yield similar hypertrophy.
- Strength and muscular endurance gains are closely related to the specific rep ranges utilized in training.
- Rather than calculating training volume as 'sets x reps x load,' it's more beneficial to consider 'total number of hard sets per muscle' for hypertrophy training.
- Rep ranges don’t necessarily affect hypertrophy as long as each set is performed with maximal effort, but specific rep ranges are crucial for strength improvements.
- More sets per muscle per week may increase hypertrophy more than fewer sets, independent of the weight or reps.
- Muscle fatigue and subsequent recruitment during a set to failure are key for growth, irrespective of the weight used.
- There is no definitive answer yet on the specific factors like muscle tension or metabolic build-up that most effectively stimulate hypertrophy.
Stronger By Science
Nathan Jones