30 Seconds Summary
New training frequency study: 5x beats 2x

  • Training muscles 5 times a week results in greater muscle growth compared to once or twice a week, as demonstrated by a study by Zaroni et al. (2018) involving resistance-trained men.
  • Both training groups performed the same exercises, sets, intensity, and had equivalent macronutrient intakes; however, full-body workouts led to more significant muscle thickness increases.
  • While many studies equate volume in training frequency research, real-life situations often result in higher total workloads with more frequent training due to unequal distribution of volume across workouts.
  • High frequency training is suggested to improve total volume load without increasing overall training fatigue, possibly lowering RPE (perceived exertion) and reducing DOMS (muscle soreness).
  • Frequent training might boost testosterone production and improve recovery, making it more sustainable and potentially leading to superior muscle gains.
  • Another theory suggests that highly trained individuals inherently benefit more from higher frequencies, indicating a tailored approach based on training status might be optimal.
  • The practical implication is that higher training frequencies should be considered for maximum muscle growth, as they enable increased volume and are supported by various studies.

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