30 Seconds Summary
Four Exercises to Improve Core Endurance

  • Core refers to the spine and pelvis, crucial for stability in many sports and gym activities.
  • Core stability is important to maintain balance and prevent injuries during movements like squats, deadlifts, and punches in MMA.
  • Exercises for core stability and endurance include planks, side planks, suitcase holds, and deadlifts.
  • Improved core stability can reduce lower back pain in the short term according to a meta-analysis.
  • Increasing the endurance aspect involves extending the duration of exercises like planks or adding movement like in kettlebell swings or elevated knee tucks.
  • The Kettlebell Swing, Elevated Knee Tucks, Dimel Deadlift, and Side Plank with hip abduction are effective for increasing core endurance while maintaining proper form.
  • Core endurance training should emphasize form and gradually progress in difficulty to enhance effectiveness and prevent injury.

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