30 Seconds SummaryYour Hips Don’t Lie: Seven Drills for Powerful Hips
- The hips, like shoulders, perform similar motions but have different structural builds affecting their movement range.
- Key hip motions include abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, and both internal and external rotations.
- For effective squatting and deadlifting, maintaining strong and mobile hips is crucial, as well as ensuring spinal and pelvic stability to avoid overcompensation and potential injuries.
- Unilateral exercises like Bulgarian split squats and one-legged deadlifts help improve balance, address muscle imbalances, and enhance overall hip strength.
- Simple hip abduction drills and static stretches like the Pigeon pose can increase hip mobility and assist in performing squats and deadlifts more effectively.
- Incorporating exercises such as banded hip thrusts and hip abductions into pre-lift warm-ups can significantly improve performance in main lifts.
- Maintaining good form is essential, and adjusting exercises to suit individual hip joint structures is recommended to maximize benefits and prevent injuries.
Peter Baker