30 Seconds SummaryProtein Requirements: Amount, Timing, and Type
- Resistance exercise (RE) alone enhances Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS), but requires amino acids (AAs) from protein for optimal muscle repair and growth.
- Post-exercise is a crucial time for muscle nutrient intake; essential amino acids, especially Leucine, are vital for instigating MPS.
- Optimal protein intake shortly after exercise is approximately 20g, featuring a strong amino acid profile with around 2.5g of leucine.
- The 'anabolic window of opportunity' post workout, traditionally thought to be 30-120 minutes, extends up to 24 hours according to recent studies.
- Daily protein requirements for maximizing muscle adaptation are between 1.6 and 2.4g per kg of body weight, with protein quality focusing on leucine and essential amino acids.
- Vegetarians can meet these protein requirements with high-quality plant proteins, ensuring flexibility and sustainability in dietary choices that suit lifestyle and health needs.
Evan Shy