30 Seconds Summary
New training frequency study: 3x vs. 6x

  • The Norwegian Frequency Project found that training each muscle group 6 times per week leads to better strength and muscle growth compared to 3 times.
  • A new study replicated this with 28 intermediate male trainees on a powerlifting program, equating volume, intensity, and time between those training 3 or 6 times a week.
  • No significant differences in strength or muscle growth were found, likely due to the small sample size and study duration.
  • Effect sizes slightly favored the 6x group in bench press, deadlift, and notably in fat-free mass, suggesting more muscle gain with higher frequency.
  • Results hint that benefits of very high frequency training may be more pronounced for advanced trainees or specific athletic populations.
  • Women might handle higher training frequencies better than men; this study included only men.
  • High training frequency might allow for more high-quality training volume, which is crucial for strength training outcomes, although this was not directly studied here.
  • Intermediate trainees can achieve similar strength and muscle gains with 3 full-body workouts a week compared to 6, offering flexibility in training frequency according to personal preference.

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