30 Seconds Summary
Leucine is a C#cktease

  • Leucine is a branched chain amino acid (BCAA) that has been highly researched for its potential benefits in protein synthesis and muscle health, particularly appealing to older adults.
  • Despite early promising results in animal and test tube studies, human trials were often poorly designed, lacking controls for total protein intake and adequate duration.
  • Studies show consuming over ~3g of Leucine per meal doesn't increase its effectiveness, and typical protein-rich meals already contain sufficient Leucine.
  • Adding extra Leucine to meals has been shown to have no significant effect on muscle gain or fat loss in various groups, including the untrained, elderly, and competitive athletes.
  • Leucine supplementation doesn't offer additional benefits post-workout either, as it does not enhance muscle anabolism beyond normal feeding.
  • Overall, spending on Leucine supplements may be unnecessary. Focusing on consuming adequate whole protein sources from food is recommended.

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