30 Seconds Summary
Machines and free weights are equally effective, study shows

  • Machines and free weights are equally effective for muscle growth and strength development, as evidenced by a recent 2023 study and a 2021 meta-analysis.
  • Muscle growth from using machines and free weights is similar across different muscles like quads, pecs, and abs.
  • Strength gains are specific to the modality used; people gain more strength in exercises that they train for, whether with machines or barbells.
  • Free weights might have a slightly better transfer of strength to other exercises and sports, but the difference is not statistically significant in most studies.
  • Joint discomfort was similar in both machine and free weight groups, suggesting that either modality is equally safe for joints if the exercise is suitable for the individual's body structure.
  • Overall, it's beneficial to choose exercises allowing for high freedom of movement to accommodate individual body structure and natural movement patterns.

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