30 Seconds SummaryThe Safe & Effective Gym-Return Guide
- Rushing back into intense gym workouts increases injury risk and is counterproductive for muscle gains.
- Regaining lost muscle is relatively easy, often requiring minimal effort and can be achieved within 6 weeks.
- Avoid using all available machines at once; focus on 2-4 key exercises per muscle group per week.
- Start with lighter weights and lower sets; 1-3 sets per muscle group per session can suffice initially.
- Gradually increase your volume and intensity in the gym as your body adapts over 1-2 mesocycles.
- For those who trained consistently at home, reduce gym session volume as gym equipment tends to be more effective.
- Diet should focus on maintenance phase initially to help balance muscle gain and fat loss effectively.
- Mindset matters: view the return as a positive phase for rebuilding and potentially achieving new heights in fitness.
Renaissance Periodization
Dr. Mike Israetel, Chief Sport Scientist