30 Seconds Summary
RP’s Commitments to Social Causes

  • Nick Shaw, CEO of Renaissance Periodization (RP), emphasizes commitment to evidence-based fitness accessible to diverse populations.
  • RP actively promotes diversity within the fitness community and has contributed to GoFundMe campaigns like 'I Run With Maud' and 'Justice for Breonna Taylor'.
  • Additional support includes donation to a minority-owned business in Chicago affected by unrest and scholarships for diversity in weightlifting through USA Weightlifting partnership.
  • RP has contributed to The OUT Foundation to support LGBTQ+ awareness and education.
  • In response to COVID-19, RP donated $17,000 to Action Against Hunger and supported GOODProjects based on athlete recommendations.
  • RP invites feedback and suggestions on future charitable actions via their contact email.

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  • RPE support, rest timer, and more!
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Renaissance Periodization

Dr. Mike Israetel, Chief Sport Scientist

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Renaissance Periodization

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