30 Seconds Summary
Full Guide: Building Muscle for the Teenage Bodybuilder

  • AJ Morris, a UK-based personal trainer and bodybuilder, shares muscle-building tips for teenagers derived from his own experiences transitioning from motor-sport to bodybuilding.
  • Gaining muscle as a teen can be simpler and easier than many think, focusing on the right approach and consistency over chasing the latest fitness trends.
  • Identifying an 'Optimal' training program is crucial, which should fit your lifestyle and include enjoyable exercises to ensure consistency and long-term adherence.
  • Two recommended training splits are: Upper/Lower for those with less time and dedication, and Push/Pull/Legs for those who can train more frequently and are more experienced.
  • Basic guidelines for reps, sets, and rest include variably mixing higher and lower rep days, with compound movements aiming for 8-12 reps for hypertrophy and 5-8 for power.
  • Progressive overload is essential for growth; a simple progression strategy is to begin at lower rep and set ranges and increase weight or reps as capability improves.
  • Enjoyment, self-focus, and progressive overload are key points emphasized for teenage bodybuilders to build muscle effectively and sustainably.
  • Additional resources and personal guidance are available through AJ’s social media channels and specific groups for youth focused on fat loss and muscle gain.

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