30 Seconds Summary
Full Guide: Caffeine & Resistance Training

  • Caffeine is widely consumed globally, with significant intake from coffee which contains about 115 mg per cup.
  • Evidence on caffeine's benefits for resistance training is mixed, with some studies showing enhanced performance, especially in mid-range rep training.
  • A moderate caffeine intake (around 200-300 mg or 3 mg/kg body weight) 30-60 minutes before training may improve focus and energy.
  • It's recommended to use caffeine selectively, about 50% of workouts, to prevent tolerance and dependence for optimal performance.
  • Daily caffeine consumers might need higher doses for noticeable training benefits or reduce intake temporarily to reset sensitivity.
  • Consuming caffeine late in the day can disrupt sleep, as it can take up to 14 hours to be metabolized.
  • Caffeine can be useful for morning or lunchtime workouts but should be avoided before evening sessions to prevent sleep disruption.
  • Steve suggests avoiding caffeine during deload phases and massing periods, and aligning intake with training intensity during cutting phases.

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