30 Seconds SummaryResearch Spotlight: Bench press grip width doesn’t substantially impact muscle EMG
- Research indicates that changing grip width during bench press has minimal impact on the EMG responses of primary muscles like the pecs, triceps, and anterior deltoids.
- The study involved two groups: resistance-trained men with at least one year of training and bench pressing at least 125% of body mass, and novice-trained men with basic familiarity but no recent training.
- Participants tested wide, narrow, and medium grip bench presses with EMG electrodes measuring muscle response during 6RM lifts.
- Significant differences in EMG responses were observed in some cases, such as higher triceps EMG in medium-grip among resistance-trained individuals; however, these differences weren't notably large.
- The study highlights that EMG levels, while indicative, may not directly correlate to muscle growth, emphasizing the need for further long-term studies on the effect of grip width on muscle development.
Stronger By Science
Greg Nuckols