30 Seconds Summary
Is Metabolic Damage Wrecking Your Long-term Dieting Success?

  • Metabolic adaptations occur during dieting, resulting in increased hunger and decreased metabolism, which can lead to rapid weight regain.
  • Essential hormones like Ghrelin increase, causing increased hunger, while Leptin and thyroid hormones decrease, reducing satiety and metabolic rate respectively.
  • Other adaptations include decreased anabolic hormones like testosterone, reduced daily activity levels, and fewer calories burned during exercise.
  • Strategic higher calorie periods or 'refeeds' during dieting may help mitigate these metabolic adaptations, improving long-term diet success.
  • Studies suggest intermittent refeeds not only protect against hormonal downregulation but may also enhance metabolism and ensure better compliance and enjoyment of the diet.
  • Long-term dieting success may be enhanced by adapting diet strategies that include planned higher calorie periods to counteract and possibly reverse negative metabolic adaptations.

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