30 Seconds Summary
Does keto cause hair loss?

  • 29.6% of keto dieters experienced hair fall at 4 months, whereas no low-calorie dieters reported hair fall, suggesting a potential link between keto and hair loss.
  • Hair loss persisted in some keto dieters up to a year after stopping the diet, though it reduced significantly; 7.4% reported hair fall after one year.
  • Studies indicate that hair loss might be noticed 2-5 months after starting keto and could persist even after stopping the diet.
  • Adherence to keto is crucial, as 50% of adherent keto dieters experienced hair loss at 6 months.
  • Greater hair loss among keto dieters cannot solely be attributed to lower calorie intake or nutrient deficiency, suggesting other factors associated with keto might contribute to hair loss.
  • Keto may cause hair loss if it leads to micronutrient deficiencies compared to a low-fat diet.
  • Although some studies did not show significant statistical differences in hair loss between keto and non-keto dieters after two years, the evidence suggests keto might be riskier for hair loss in the short term.

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