30 Seconds Summary
How a Masters World Champion Improved His Total by 40 kg in 3 Months

  • Laddie Gibson, a 50-year-old IPF Masters World Champion, improved his powerlifting total by 40 kg at the Raw Nationals after previously setting a world record.
  • His training was managed by RTS, focusing on peaking his performance rather than developing new skills due to his extensive experience since 1987.
  • A 3-day-per-week training template was initially used to ensure recovery and gradually adapted based on Laddie's response, maintaining high frequency for optimal recovery management.
  • Competition lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift) were prioritized in training, with assistance work tailored to address specific weaknesses like the bottom of the squat and bench press.
  • Training intensity was strategically varied, starting around 80% and reaching up to 92-95%, using an RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) system for adjusting weights based on daily performance.
  • Supplemental movements included a variation of exercises such as lunges, SSB squats, and different bench press techniques to support strength development and injury prevention.
  • Recovery was carefully monitored, incorporating deload weeks and varying deadlift training to manage stress on his hips, complemented by a daily stretching routine to aid recovery and prevent injuries.
  • Laddie's training approach and recovery strategies enabled him to surpass his own world records within a few months, attributing his success to the detailed and adaptive training plan.

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